Sunday, May 15, 2011


this summer i will be returning back to camp!!
so incredibly excited to see what God has in store for me this year
here are some old memories
but excited for the new ones to come!

Monday, May 9, 2011


with final projects and such coming up, naturally i devoted a night to procrastination
but productive procrastination
i made an online portfolio
i have a lot more to add but you can still follow it if you wish
Ashley Deason Design

Friday, April 29, 2011


for class we had to chose a color and make an advertisement and handout
i chose razzmatazz!
which is a crayola color created in honor of their 90th birthday
ive always wanted to make rainbow crayons and finally got the chance to!

Monday, April 25, 2011

dead roses & an onion?

A couple weeks ago i showed some pieces from Zoe Pawlak.
well in class we had to chose a painter that we felt would be someone we could really learn from
i had been struggling on how to finish my paintings and what areas to leave open.
i also wanted to chose someone with very bold brush statements.
so obviously Zoe Pawlak was a great choice to learn all this.
i normally dont like showing my work and such but since i mentioned i was going to do a painting inspired by her earlier i might as well

i did a still life of a vase of dead roses and a cut up onion
sounds happy right?
i didnt want the subject matter to give energy to the painting, rather the reflection and use of light.

its not completely done but i just thought i would share anyways
hope everyone has a great week!

Friday, April 15, 2011

oh the glory

Things I plan to do for my spring break:RELAX!
learn how to french braid my hair
if i get really fancy.. maybe as cool as this
dance with no restraint.
dont know how my friends will feel about this one..
where i will be studying and working on projects wont look this cool
but ill definitely be doing some studying
teachers dont respect the word BREAK anymore
collect sand in a fun bottle like this? maybeee

i know for sure i will be enjoying the beach

Monday, April 4, 2011

\/\/ 1 |\| 3

ive found a new design obsession.
here are just about all of my favorites at the moment.
im sure there will plenty more in the future.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


one thing i have learned in school.
type is beautiful