Monday, April 25, 2011

dead roses & an onion?

A couple weeks ago i showed some pieces from Zoe Pawlak.
well in class we had to chose a painter that we felt would be someone we could really learn from
i had been struggling on how to finish my paintings and what areas to leave open.
i also wanted to chose someone with very bold brush statements.
so obviously Zoe Pawlak was a great choice to learn all this.
i normally dont like showing my work and such but since i mentioned i was going to do a painting inspired by her earlier i might as well

i did a still life of a vase of dead roses and a cut up onion
sounds happy right?
i didnt want the subject matter to give energy to the painting, rather the reflection and use of light.

its not completely done but i just thought i would share anyways
hope everyone has a great week!

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